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NC Fellows Audition
To audition, a student must be currently enrolled in a university in North Carolina, pursuing either a bachelor’s, graduate or post-graduate degree
If offered a fellowship, students must sign a contract stating that he/she will be present for all required COT rehearsals and performances (see attached calendar)​​
Audition Dates and Locations
Saturday, August 17 (UNCSA, UNC-G, UNC-CH)
Audition Repertoire
First movement exposition of Mozart Concertos 3, 4, or 5, OR movement of solo Bach
Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night’s Dream (Scherzo: Beginning - 7 m. after Rehearsal D)
Mozart - Symphony No.39 (Mvt: II: Beginning – m. 28 (no repeats))
First movement exposition of Stamitz concerto OR movement of solo Bach
Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night’s Dream (Scherzo: Beginning - 7 m. after Rehearsal D)
First movement exposition of Haydn Concertos 1 or 2, OR movement of solo Bach
Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night’s Dream (Scherzo: Rehearsal N – Rehearsal O)
Brahms - Symphony No.2, Op.73 (Mvt. 2: Beginning – end of m. 15)
Schedule Audition for Kenan Fellowship
If you are interested in auditioning or have any questions, please contact us below. You will then be contacted with an audition time.